Friday, August 17, 2007

Starting at the bottom

Here is our plan, my plan. I'm starting at the bottom of the house and working my way up. here is what the "man room" looked like at the start. This is the prior owners furniture still in it, thank God.

The blue had to go, as did the border. Other than that it wasn't too bad down there. This is an old house so to have any kind of finished basement space is a huge plus. One of the prior owners had put in a drain tile system to keep it all dry so its very comfortable down there. The second I saw this room I knew I'd finally found the perfect place for Dave and all his sports memorabilia, as well as all his Army things he wants to display. All in all it needed to be his space. Its got a wet bar and through the door off the bar is the laundry where of course we moved the beer fridge. If there was a bathroom down there I don't think I'd ever see him.

The day I closed 3 of my best girlfriends and I joined forces to start "Operation Man Room." I had less than a month before Dave was due home from Afghanistan and didn't want him coming home to a mess. He'd earned this and I really wanted him to like it.

So next step was paint... , better but not done. I added the wine fridge behind the bar and then waited for Dave. When he got home we finished it up, bought a ton of new furniture and I surprised him with the TV and new surround system. He's a happy camper down there and it couldn't have turned out better.

Big thanks to Diana, Bec and Diana for helping BIG time. Couldn't have done it without them.

Here is how it looks now, beer fridge and all.

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