Sunday, April 13, 2008

Window Bench Seat Insanity

In our dining room I have this window and its making me insane. I am now on my 4th set of window treatments and have hated them all. The ones in the picture are the ones that were in the house when we moved in minus the fru fru satin eyebrow that went over the top. YUCK. I took those down and went to a different valance, hated that. Then I spent 2 weeks making a sweet cornice and drapes only to get the dog and come to the realization that she likes to sit up there and watch the world go by when we are gone. Bad Dog. This has also forced me to realize that it's time to sew a cushion and lose the blanket that's been there since we moved in. I guess the dog is motivating me not only to go for more walks, but to spend millions at the fabric store as well.
Finding the right thing to go on these windows is making me crazy. With this style of house they really should be drapes, but with the seat it just doesn't work. Anything else just doesn't go with the character of the house!!! To make it even more difficult it also has to look just as good from the outside as in because that's the window you walk past to the front door on the porch. At this point I'm ready for good old fashioned roll down shades. Grrrr.. Who knew that window treatments could make one so mental. Its so bad we were even out to dinner and I was trying to figure out if the blinds in the restaurant would work in our house.
I need Mom, she rocks at this stuff.

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