Sunday, April 13, 2008

Time for a new patio!

I've got guys coming this weeks for bids. We weren't really planning on doing this for a while, but its falling apart. Its actually to the point that its dangerous because some of the big chunks are loose. We also have concerns that its not draining the right way and we definitely don't need any future foundation damage.
Right now its 29 x 8, but I think we'll take it out a little farther to make it 29 x 12. 8 feet is a little tight, and we'd like to get get a table for 6 out there. I don't know if we'll stamp it or just pour a new slab... opinions????
If you look on the driveway side out neighbors put up a killer fence. I'd like to redo our gates to kind of coordinate. Might as well take advantage right? I don't think we'll go 6 ft though, 4 is probably fine. Wow... looking at this picture gives me MAJOR spring fever.

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