Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Porch in progress

Man its UGLY right now, but its going to be great!  The side stairs are no more and the new center stairs should be framed and in soon.   Concrete forms are there now for the new walkway, and should be poured soon as well.   Its going to be so different, but much more fitting for the house.  They did all new piers and ended up jacking the porch almost 3 inches in some spots.  Its amazing upstairs now!  It doesn't feel like you're skating to the street! No major new cracks in the plaster or anything, but we'll let things settle before we count our blessings there. 

We ran into a snag with the skirting and are having to go with dark green lattice and all white PVC trim.  Not our first choice, but most will be covered by new landscaping in the spring.   Rails will be installed in the spring as well with new deck stain and hopefully some lighting.   Its been a bigger job than we thought (always is) but the end will be worth it.   We are just hoping to beat the snow season. 

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