Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Porch in progress

Man its UGLY right now, but its going to be great!  The side stairs are no more and the new center stairs should be framed and in soon.   Concrete forms are there now for the new walkway, and should be poured soon as well.   Its going to be so different, but much more fitting for the house.  They did all new piers and ended up jacking the porch almost 3 inches in some spots.  Its amazing upstairs now!  It doesn't feel like you're skating to the street! No major new cracks in the plaster or anything, but we'll let things settle before we count our blessings there. 

We ran into a snag with the skirting and are having to go with dark green lattice and all white PVC trim.  Not our first choice, but most will be covered by new landscaping in the spring.   Rails will be installed in the spring as well with new deck stain and hopefully some lighting.   Its been a bigger job than we thought (always is) but the end will be worth it.   We are just hoping to beat the snow season. 

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Porch work time

Its time to call in the pros.  Our porch has been ever so slowly sinking and its time to get the big guns in to fix it.  I'm scared to death as to the cost of this, but it has to be done.  While I'd love to go all Trex and fancy, I don't see that happening.  I do however see new center stairs in out future so that will look awesome.   The pit is coming along....  just taking baby steps.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I'm SO excited! I scored big on Craigslist

  I've been drooling over the factory cart coffee tables in all the catalogs lately.  Unfortunately they go for over $500 and that just isn't happening anytime soon.  I had actually just downloaded a plan from Ana-white.com and then to my delight found these locally.  The dude had no idea what he had so I picked up both carts for $100.00!!!  I'm going to need to sandblast the metal and clean up the wood, but one is going to be sweet in the living room.  Maybe I'll re list the other one and make some money on this!!  Project before and after pictures to follow for sure.

Its been too long and its time to get working!

I didn't realize it had been so long since I've posted. A few things have changed with the pit. We put a new roof on and did all the soffit work last summer. Needless to say that went WAY over budget so other projects are going to have to wait a while. It looks great and its nice to have it off our to do list. I decided to go brown instead of the gray that was existing, trying to get some more earth tones in and hope to tie in some rock and things later if we do the porch overhaul. I'd like to do center steps down, with new craftsman posts and paver walkway. Ahhhh dreams. Seriously though we are looking at some structural issues so its on the short list. Maybe next year.