Sunday, October 5, 2008

Summers gone :(

I didn't do a whole lot to the pit over the summer. I promised Dave a season without living in chaos and stayed true to my word. I've been cleaning up loose ends, but nothing major.

Latest undertaking has to be the windows. We've got these great old windows, and I just can't get myself to give them up. They are 5 light on top and 1 light on the bottom sash. The cords are all shot and there are several panes that are broken. SO... I've started in Matt's room and am going to work my way down to the main floor. So far its going well, but the glazing is a slower process than I thought since it needs to cure for a week or 2 before painting. They are going to be great in the end. We have really nice storm windows on the exterior so now that the insides will be all redone they should actually be pretty energy efficient. I figure too that this is my way of reusing the old stuff and being green. One down, 22 to go.

Dave pulled off the old fireplace window setup today and we painted it flat black. I was sceptical but it looks awesome! No more icky brass shiny stuff. Tomorrow the dude comes to clean the fireplace so we'll see it in action soon.

If I win the lottery we'll have the pit done in 10 years. Still love it though.