Monday, July 7, 2008

What to do???

Summer is here. I'm off work for 2 months and although I promised Dave no big projects for now, I've got many going through my head. I'm going to finish some little stuff then work my way into it.

Some of the things I think I'll try to tackle soon are-----

Jazzing up Matt's room a bit, he's got nothing on his walls yet and its just really blah for a kids room. I think I'll give him some shelves and bulletin boards. Nothing crazy just stuff that's functional.

The bar, it needs some love. I actually love it the way it is, but it needs just a tweak to feel a little higher end. I'm thinking of facing the front with wood to match the stools and then a cool foot rail, almost so its kind of pub like.

The gates to the backyard are going to be toast by fall. Pure wood rot. I'm trying to figure out something that matches the age of the house, yet is really durable and attractive. Not as easy as it sounds.

I'd still love to reface the living room fireplace with natural stone veneer and do a custom built in for the tv. Its a project that's really going to need to be done well. Any crappy gaps in moulding and stuff and it will look like garbage. I've got a doodle all made, but I've got to find someone who knows what they are doing to help me. I'd love to get like an HGTV crew in here for a few days.. lol.

Not much else new with the pit. The yard is coming along nicely. We did some edging and stuff but now that we got the dog we have kind of stalled on the quest for perfect grass. (at least in the backyard) We are already seeing drops in our gas bill. This time of year that would be normal anyway, but that new water heater really seems to be saving us some money. I can't wait to see how well the furnace does next winter.
