Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Coming Along

Now I'm just slacking on the photos, but the projects are coming along nicely. Stairs and landing are DONE. I must say they turned out better than I thought they would. I quickly moved into the office.

Green lawn like carpet, GONE.

Primed unpainted walls, PAINTED.

Ceiling, PAINTED.

New light fixture, and....

I finally built the L-desk that I've wanted forever. Now I have a place to leave the computer up, and still have room to scrapbook or whatever on the other side. I used the pattern from Lowes, modified it and it turned out well. I just did 2 desks and put them together, just in case I ever want to move them.

Next project, who knows??

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

I've been slacking.

The holidays have come and gone, now its time to get after the house again. It was great to spend our first Christmas in the house, but now that things are back in the attic I'm ready to attack things. I need to take pictures too.

I was kind of forced to cut some corners on the stair project. We were hosting a party and there was NO way I was going to get the stain on in time so I painted. Uggg I know, normally I'd curse at someone for painting good wood, but the further down I got the more I came to realize that they were in a lot worse shape than we originally thought. I can't bring myself to carpet them either so the risers were painted white and the stairs are a dark brown. They actually could pass for a dark stain at a quick glance. They aren't the stairs of my dreams but they did turn out nice. I also finished the landing. That I did stain and poly so it matches up with the hardwood in the living room. A quick coat of spray paint on the grate and it looks really, really nice. I still have to finish the trim and then pictures will be up!

Next project??? My office I think.